September 02, 2007

Mickey Mouse's two-dimensional ears

Just a post about a curious observation about Mickey Mouse. Rendered in 3D, Mickey's ears are stubbornly two-dimensional. I wonder how much trouble that was for modern animators.

What time I have to watch television is spent watching children's programming. The favourite right now is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse from the folks at Walt Disney. The characters are rendered as 3D objects in a computer generated landscape.

But for all the 3D wizardry, Mickey's and Minnie's ears are rendered in the traditional 2D method. In the animated cartoons, the ears of Mickey and Minnie Mouse always face the viewer.

Besides giving the characters a distinctive look, the strange behaviour of the ears made life easier for the animators who didn't have to draw the ears in transition from face on to edge on. Apparently in one animation there was an attempt to make the ears behave in a physically real way, but the look was unsatisfactory and the mouse ears remained face on ever since.

What strikes me, though, is that though this design rule would have made life easier for the traditional cel animators, the CGI guys were probably having conniptions. Like any 3D graphics engine, you give the computer the coordinates of the objects, the viewer, and the lighting sources, and the physics takes over. The computer knows how to render the scene maintaining the correct perspective of all the objects.

But now they have those ears that defy all perspective rules. Even as Mickey's 3D head turns, the computer has to keep the strange two-dimensional plane connected to his head, with these two circles moving up and down and side to side on the face of this plane. There is nothing normal about these ears in a 3D space. In fact, I'd be curious to know if the 3D engine the studio is using had the capability to render these, or more likely had to have a custom function set created to handle the weird ear physics.

I just found it amusing to think of a trick designed to keep life for 2D animators simple might be the source of some grief for 3D CGI guys.

Posted by: Steve Janke at 08:53 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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1 Slow day?

Posted by: Dave at September 03, 2007 12:00 AM (nEzv9)

2 ...zzzzzzzzzz eh, what?

Posted by: tomax7 at September 03, 2007 12:29 AM (jHhd0)

3 Very slow. I also have a killer cold but can't get any rest because the kids have it too. Keeping them topped off with fluids. So yeah, I've been watching MMC all day and it really did strike me that the software engineers probably had to figure out how to incorporate these weird 2D ears into the 3D world rendered by the computer. Remember guys, I am a computer engineer by training, so this sort of thing always interests me. And anyway, having a post on Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney will be good for search engine traffic in the long term. But you want the political stuff, right? OK, some Garth Turner stuff coming right up!

Posted by: Steve Janke at September 03, 2007 05:20 AM (82+9s)

4 Ooooh. Garth Turner stuff. I don't know why but this fills me with glee. The only thing I know about the MMC is that a great many of today's "stars" ie. Brittany Spears, Justin Timberlake, Ryan Gosling were members of the club. MCC is like a greenhouse that grows celebrities. Strange that.

Posted by: muttsrus at September 03, 2007 06:44 AM (HALNh)

5 As a studio, Walt Disney has been very successful at nurturing new talent. I suppose most spend their careers providing content for Disney properties, but a few break out beyond that.

Posted by: Steve Janke at September 03, 2007 07:27 AM (82+9s)

6 Are the ear style part of the Mickey Mouse character and trademarked?

Posted by: at September 03, 2007 10:47 AM (svOaL)

7 ...I believe they are trademarked. At least the angle and placement of the nose, ears, and such. I used to be at Geocities (7273) as the Homeland neighbourhood volunteer help and people would get emails or letters from Disney telling them to pull any cartoons and images of Disney characters and Pooh the bear. I read somewhere Mickey was drawn the way 'he is' because that was the easiest method to draw a figure. Circles. From an engineering standpoint, would the thin legs support such a round mass? Does Mickey need to go on a diet and does Weight Watchers have a special diet for Micky Mouse? (helping with your search engine ranking) I would have to say that Diesny have played a lot of cartoons over the years and that some of the cartoon portrayed sex, violence, and yearning for bipartisan politics. Mr. Disney would be proud of the theme parks located in California and Florida named Disneyland and Disneyworld. Many tourists have also visited Disneyland in Europe, located in Paris, France. ----------- Work with me, digging up the ground to put a new pad for the trailer to sit on - I don't want to go outside... Long weekend? What long weekend? ;-)

Posted by: tomax7 at September 03, 2007 11:45 AM (jHhd0)

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