August 23, 2008

Wrong Green Shift (again), this time from a media pundit

I know it might seem boring, but tracking just how the Liberal Party's idea to name Stephane Dion's carbon tax plan The Green Shift, deliberately ignoring the existence of Jennifer Wright's Green Shift Inc, is damaging Wright's company serves a purpose.

It stands as a testimony to just how Jennifer Wright is right -- her company is becoming confused by one and all with the Liberal tax plan. 

is suing the for over $8 million for using the name of her company () for the name of 's massive scheme.

The Liberal Party, in the statement of defense, says that there is no confusion:

The Liberal party's statement of defence in an $8.5-million trademark suit by Green Shift Inc. claims "no reasonable possibility of confusion" between the party's Green Shift policy and the company's business.

I suspect that this is not true.

I've already documented how Liberal politicians have become confused (Claudette Roy, David McGuinty, and Stephane Dion himself).

How about the media?

Well, here's an example.  Graeme Stewart is a writer, broadcaster, and contributor to the CBC and other news organizations.

He runs a blog called Nunc Scio:

Nunc Scio is the digital offspring of Toronto-based writer and broadcaster . His work has appeared in a variety of outlets, including CBC Radio One, CBC Television, and print publications across Ontario. He currently covers theatre, digital media and miscellany for the best damn blog about Toronto, blogTO. Graeme holds degrees in Political Science and Drama (Queen’s University), Journalism (University of Western Ontario), and Political Communication (London School of Economics and Political Science). He dislikes writing in the third person.

His blog was named the best non-partisan blog in the 2007 Canadian Blog Awards.

I'd say this is a notable blog.

On June 19, this great blog wrote about the "carbon-cutting plan" is very glowing terms:

Well, the Liberal plan to cut carbon emissions has been announced. And, with a few reservations, it seems pretty decent. It’s called the ‘Green Shift’, and you can read more about it here.

Where is "here"?  According to this top-ranked blog that likes Stephane Dion's carbon tax so much, people who want to read more about it should go to the website linked to "here", that being Jennifer Wright's site at

Here's a screen shot.  The status line shows the wrong link.  You can click on the image to enlarge it:


No reasonable possibility of confusion?  For crying out loud, you can't swing a dead cat (one who presumably died from the effects of global warming) without hitting someone who is not only confused, but who is spreading the confusion further and further.

Posted by: Steve Janke at 03:00 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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1 I like it very much!sd5f46s5df465sd4f

Posted by: Mercurial victory VIII at December 03, 2012 08:33 AM (/U+na)

2 I like it very much.564651321348545

Posted by: F50 Adizero at December 03, 2012 06:03 PM (Kh8i9)

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