February 28, 2007

Is Stephane Dion writing the headlines for the Liberal Party homepage too?

I only ask because it reads the way he would say it.

Check out the homepage. Here's a screen capture:



Oh dear, have we been esposed? We must limit our esposure! Quickly, espedite the elimination of the esposure before voters espress their displeasure! Perhaps the person writing the headline is an espatriot, esported from another country, and so has trouble with espelling.

OK, that's enough. The jokes could go on esponentially.

Update: From my sources inside the Liberal Party, tomorrow's front page:


Posted by: Steve Janke at 05:51 PM | Comments (28) | Add Comment
Post contains 107 words, total size 1 kb.

1 Nice catch, Steve!

Posted by: Stephane Dion Says at February 28, 2007 07:00 PM (bIC9p)

2 still not changed, should we tell them?

Posted by: The Hammer or Thor at February 28, 2007 07:02 PM (jfI+S)

3 No, don't tell them.

Posted by: frmgrl at February 28, 2007 07:05 PM (VkWCV)

4 2 funny !

Posted by: Nbob at February 28, 2007 07:09 PM (S5y60)

5 He really wanted to say "espouse" ....

Posted by: Werner Patels at February 28, 2007 07:21 PM (/V2m6)

6 Was this checked through a French spellchecker? Escellect catch, Steve!

Posted by: On-Tory-O at February 28, 2007 07:27 PM (slSoQ)

7 Its not just the spelling error, the grammar is terrible too. How does"economic" modify "record of dishonesty"? Are they describing a "record of dishonesty" that is efficient? I imagine they mean a "record of dishonesty" apropos the economy but it certainly doesn't read that way. The more I see of of this particular Liberal team the more I am certain that Dion did not run to win the leadership. He is too unprepared for the job. He probably ran to enhance is reputation in the party. No-one who actually wanted to be leader and actually believed they could win could be so incompetent. No leadership, no organization, no platform, nothing at all. Kennedy took french lessons. Presumably so he could ask for Quebecois votes without looking like an idiot. Did Dion not understand he needed votes from English speakers? Personally, the only Liberal that scares me is Ignatieff. He may have "foot in mouth" disease but the man has presence, intelligence, and might try and be a leader.

Posted by: Eric-Vancouver at February 28, 2007 07:29 PM (mbbdk)

8 Maybe Borat writes them.....

Posted by: pongo647 at February 28, 2007 07:31 PM (yXcTC)

9 Hey, geniuses -- ever think that they may be plotting this? Headline: Conservatives make fun of Dion's English. Now, where do you think that headline would be "not amusing"? Let's see --- 75 ridings in Quebec, 25-30 ridings in Ontario, 10-15 ridings out West, and 2-5 ridings in Atlantic Canada. In other words, just about every riding Harper doesn't have, and just about every voting group that traditionally does not vote for the Tories, would not be amused by a bunch of whitey-white-lardbutts making fun of nerdy-Dion. So keep it up boys. Dig the hole a little deeper for poor ol' Harper.

Posted by: at February 28, 2007 07:43 PM (lLamV)

10 "whitey-white-lardbutts" ....Dats not funny!

Posted by: at February 28, 2007 08:06 PM (YuFsj)

11 Who was that racist flamewar starter? Last time I checked Dion was whitey-white too. The worst part of the liberal party has taken over. At least with Martin you could guarantee that while they would talk about such nonsense terms like "social justice" they wouldn't do anything bad to the economy. Just watch, with Dion at the Canadian helm Bob Rae is going to look like Milton Friedman.

Posted by: langmann at February 28, 2007 08:59 PM (wgqy4)

12 I think Dion must be writing the news at CTV.ca, too. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070228/libs_wappel_070228/20070228?hub=TopStories 1) "who are don't want to combat terrorism." ... that wasn't a quote. Ouch. 2) Love the Liberals taking offence at someone calling them "extreme." Hmmm... Is that worse than running commercials in which you declare that a political opponent, if elected, will turn the Canadian army against Canadian citizens? So much cred... not. 3) Wappel was the only Liberal with enough spine to actually show up and vote to extend the anti-terrorism measures that the LIBERALS crafted and passed just a few years ago. Tom Wappel is the only Liberal who isn't a nutter. The Liberals have officially moved to Bizarroland.

Posted by: gwgm at February 28, 2007 09:43 PM (4u+jq)

13 Is that worse than running commercials in which you declare that a political opponent, if elected, will turn the Canadian army against Canadian citizens? My recollection is that the "Soldiers" ad never ran on TV - it was released onto the internet and then pulled when the Liberal brains trust realized just what a disaster it was. It was the bloggers / YouTubers who brought it into prominence.

Posted by: Deaner at February 28, 2007 10:58 PM (/iqb2)

14 See what you get after years of liberalism in the schools.. people that can't spell nor want to learn how to. But now we got the poster boy (Dion) for da bad boy attitude, frig em' iffen dey cant understund me eh?

Posted by: Real Conservative at February 28, 2007 11:00 PM (EZLLA)

15 Espose = Bad Liberal grammar Conservatives' = Bad Liberal punctuation Dishonesty = Bad Liberal record Dion = Bad Liberal leader

Posted by: Observer at February 28, 2007 11:24 PM (feuZK)

16 No comment on your fascist leader's rebuke by the Canadian Supreme Court, 9-ZIP, surely you must share the Supreme Court's opinion of the government's attempt to bastardize the notion of habaes corpus? . . . then again . . . maybe not . . . smells like a pig farm here . . .

Posted by: ryan at March 01, 2007 12:05 AM (oektW)

17 Uhh, Ryan, do a little research before you open your mouth. That law was in place since 1978, you moron, put in place by that fascist Pierre Trudeau.. Guess you should have stayed in that Ivy League school.

Posted by: Yukon Gold at March 01, 2007 01:58 AM (DiVcO)

18 Angry, thats cruel, simply CRUEL! I LOVE IT!!! Horny toad

Posted by: Horny Toad at March 01, 2007 03:04 AM (UZmPH)

19 I was shocked (ok..not really) when I flipped by their site and saw that yesterday. As I mused on my blog, perhaps Dion is the Liberal mole! Would explain a lot! --

Posted by: Le Politico at March 01, 2007 09:32 AM (nN09M)

20 We are all frogs in a pot that is slowing coming to a booil. In a few years of being exposed to this style of writing and 24/7 facetime for Dion from the CTV, we'll all be speaking Dionglish and national unity will have been accomplished.

Posted by: molarmauler at March 01, 2007 10:20 AM (UyIW1)

21 If you wanna talk "whitey white" then just look at the top part of the picture Steve posted above. It doesn't get much "whitier" than that. ..so its ok to insult someone on the basis of their race? Dollars for your doughnuts that was Blogging Dipper post.

Posted by: Eric-Vancouver at March 01, 2007 11:32 AM (wAU9K)

22 Not only is Stephane DionÂ’s grammar bad, he cannot even defend himself in parliament. Yesterday he tried to demonize PMSH and the Conservative party by accusing them of using their fiscal policy to attack the poor and vulnerable, but ended up getting royally smacked when the Prime Minister exposed the Liberal PartyÂ’s record. This is becoming a daily occurrence. http://forums.macleans.ca/advansis/?mod=for&act=dip&pid=34938&tid=34938&eid=43&so=1&ps=0&sb=1

Posted by: Tony at March 01, 2007 11:33 AM (Em4tI)

23 Fixing the spelling error doesn't make the headline any less horrible.

Posted by: David Maclean at March 01, 2007 11:45 AM (bMofu)

24 Would it be fascistic to point out that it is spelled habeas corpus, Ryan? We will be charitable and call it a typo, yes?

Posted by: imethisguy at March 01, 2007 12:01 PM (BqPuU)

25 What is that wire running up Iggys arm, is that a cell phone or translation device in his ear. Why are so many libs using ear pieces, thought they were all totally bilingual. What are those liberals doing, reading, staring at when their great white leader is speaking. Notice the adoration of goodale looking in awe at dion. Is Iggy getting orders via a cell phone or something from some sp interest group. We need to know.

Posted by: maryT at March 01, 2007 05:00 PM (zm8/C)

26 The headliner on the liberal website reflects that observation Rona Ambrose made quite some time ago. "old white guys"

Posted by: gimbol at March 02, 2007 07:04 AM (egH/E)

27 Lets encourage the Dion and the Thieving Party,( they steal ideas and claim them as their own). They're on a roll, and its all down hill, the end is nigh. Their old white guys have lost it and their replacements just don't have it. Smart asses have a short shelf life.

Posted by: Liz J at March 04, 2007 09:14 AM (hZsts)

28 Your site is brought in a spam a list!!!! Write on mwodmurbwzcum@mailinator.com , what to remove your site from base

Posted by: Silth at April 26, 2007 05:42 PM (IjP+p)

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