September 30, 2005

Multiple Scandals in Ottawa? Scott Brison slips up

Did Scott Brison, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, let the scandal cat out of the bag?

Martin: Ix-nay on the andal-scay.

Brison: Huh?

Martin: Shut up!

From Hansard:

Mr. Jason Kenney (Calgary Southeast, CPC): Mr. Speaker, yesterday, in response to a question from me about the apparent seizure of documents from the Department of Public Works, the minister said, "I am informed that last week the RCMP contacted Public Works [which] provided an invoice to the RCMP...".

Is it the position of the minister that the invoice ran over 100 boxes long? Is it not true and will he not confirm that over 100 boxes of information were taken from the offices of his department by the RCMP related to the sponsorship inquiry?

Hon. Scott Brison (Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, yesterday that hon. member said on the floor of the House of Commons that in fact the information that was voluntarily provided by Public Works to the RCMP in full cooperation with the ongoing investigations of the RCMP was in fact withheld from the Gomery inquiry.

He was wrong. In fact, that information had been provided to the Gomery inquiry on at least two occasions previously. In fact, over 28 million pages of documents have been provided by the Government of Canada to the Gomery commission.

That hon. member should rise and apologize to the House.

Mr. Jason Kenney (Calgary Southeast, CPC): Mr. Speaker, is that not interesting? The minister will not deny that he claimed yesterday that an invoice was seized when in fact, by all appearances, over 100 boxes of evidence were taken from the offices of his department.

We are not going to accept the transparent diversions of the minister. We would like a straight answer. Were over 100 boxes of information seized by the RCMP from his department and were those boxes of information relevant to the sponsorship inquiry, yes or no?

Hon. Scott Brison (Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, the fact is that there are several ongoing RCMP investigations and Public Works has cooperated fully with the RCMP.

Beyond that-

Some hon. members: Oh, oh.

Several ongoing RCMP investigations? After the argy-bargy died away, Scott Brison tried to recover:

Hon. Scott Brison: Mr. Speaker, the fact is that Public Works is cooperating fully with any RCMP investigation. That is the right thing to do. Beyond that, Public Works is cooperating fully with the Gomery commission by providing over 28 million pages of documents to the Gomery commission.

"Several" becomes "any". "Ongoing" disappears completely. But too late -- everyone heard what he said.

Scott Brison needs to explain himself. He announced "several" ongoing RCMP investigations on the floor of the House. That was captured in the official transcript. He should be required to enumerate each and every investigation, when it was started, who is running it, and the nature of the allegations being investigated.

Let's see what happens on the floor of the House next week.

Posted by: Steve Janke at 03:54 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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1 Strangely high crown corp. salary: check this: "Dominic Taddeo, président du port de Montréal Le mieux payé en Amérique", Jean-Maurice Duddin -Le Journal de Montréal, 30/09/2005 May have been a friend of the Gagman. Mark Ottawa

Posted by: Mark Collins at September 30, 2005 04:17 PM (ICR0l)

2 maybe its the internal Liberal Party blackmail scheme run amuk .. "I know where the dirt is . . . triple my salary or I email Mike Duffy with the scoop" Probably how Ding-Dongwall kep himself preseved at the Mint for so long. How many other Liberal party fartcatchers are out there, stuffed into the hundreds of Boards & Commissions and getting paid huge bucks - the money belongs to Canadians - not the lying Liberals. Maybe the RCMP, if they are not compromised by teh Liberals via there Adscam connection, should investigate Scott Brison.

Posted by: Fred at September 30, 2005 04:33 PM (tzGmh)

3 Independance through Independants! Start a group, organization, or party if you will to support independents. Similar to a co-op unsure about the co-op fees issue partisan and sponsorship issues? (Sponsorship pun intended) Statement of intent! -Municipal politics principles and format. -Everybody votes independently in the House of Commons. -Leader is chosen voted on from among the elected independents by the elected independents. -Could even go one further and have municipal electees voted amongst them selves to represent province or federal? -If possible a common set of base goals and policies. This may not be appropriate detract from the independent spirit? Shared objectives and campaigning practices -Centralized Fund raising -Centralized list of candidates, emails, Ph numbers, Web pages -Help Enlist candidates -Enlist volunteers to help independents -Sharing of thoughts and ideas discussion to hone campaign platforms -Internet fund raising centralized and accountable with all books open and published online. -Dissemination of funds according to number of constituents or possibility of election? -Bulk advertising cheaper. -Centralized head quarters for all candidates. -

Posted by: NL Expatriate at October 02, 2005 03:14 AM (z7JgX)

4 More scandals? Oh, this can't be true, could it? The emerging Technology Partnerships is one of them. I can hardly wait for the Private Foundations Scandal, 9 billion dollars have dissappeared into that abyss. Remember when Chretien announced the Millenium Scholarship Fund?

Posted by: Bruce Randall at October 02, 2005 10:35 AM (rwFoc)

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