December 23, 2007

Stephane Dion meets the Kyoto Fairy

Stephane Dion believes Canada cannot meet the Kyoto targets.

Stephane Dion believes Canada can meet the Kyoto targets.

Who knows what Stephane Dion believes?  Who knows who tells Stephane Dion what to believe?

Does Stephane Dion believe in anything?

Maybe he believes in fairies.

Stephane Dion has performed a massive flip-flop. 

Over and over again, the leader has said that Canada would not be able to meet Kyoto targets:

In 2008, I will be part of , but I will say to the world I don't think I will make it. Everyone is saying target, target. But ... it is to be more than to reach a target. It's to change the economy. It's to have resource productivity, energy efficiency when we know that energy will be the next crisis for the economy of the world. (National Post, July 1, 2006)

A year-and-a-half later, nothing changed:

In a question-and-answer session with the riding presidents, Mr. Dion suggested that Canada might now be too late to meet the emissions-reductions targets set for the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol, from 2008 to 2012. He said if he took power, he would establish a plan to come close so that Canada will be able to catch up when a second phase begins in 2012. (The Globe and Mail, December 1, 2007)

But in a space of just over two weeks, everything changed.  Asked point blank on CTV's Mike Duffy Live whether the targets could be met, starting from today, without suffering terrible consequences, Stephane Dion emphatically said yes!

So what happened?

Was Stephane Dion lying before?  Is he lying now?  Is he just mistaken?  If so, which time was he wrong?

A careful viewing of the video reveals the truth -- Stephane Dion was taken over by the Kyoto Fairy:

In case you can't see the video player, here's a link to the video file.

OK, I had my fun.  But in all seriousness, when Stephane Dion turns around on a dime, contradicting himself in such a fundamental way, you have to wonder who is pulling his strings, and whether Stephane Dion has any true beliefs of his own.

Posted by: Steve Janke at 12:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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