September 12, 2008

Liberal Shawn Murphy: There won't be a Green Shift this winter

A new headache for the Liberals.  The Liberal MP for the riding of Charlottetown, Shawn Murphy, has revealed that for the sound and fury, the Liberals won't be implementing a carbon tax after all.

At least not right away.


Oh, and Shawn Murphy's website has suddenly gone down.

Shawn Murphy is no mere backbencher.  He is the chair of the Public Accounts Committee, which is a pretty high responsibility.

And so when Shawn Murphy makes a pronouncement on policy, it's worth listening to.

Well, listen to this.  provides some insight into 's :

Yesterday, at a townhall meeting in his riding, Liberal MP Shawn Murphy said: “This winter, I don't think you're going to see the green shift even if the Liberals got elected. (Charlottetown, Sept. 12, 200  

“[Murphy] said he personally wants to see a cap-and-trade system put in place and he hopes it is contained in the Liberal platform, which will be released later in the campaign.” (The Guardian (Charlottetown), September 12, 200 .

So much for the climate emergency.

So we'll pass through the winter without the carbon tax.  Then what?  In the spring?  But that's when farmers are doing most of their planting.  Summer?  Air conditioning to deal with the heat.  Fall?  Hey, there might be another election by then.

And it sounds like Shawn Murphy would prefer a cap-and-trade scheme instead of a carbon tax, period.

These sorts of comments just sow confusion.  Shawn Murphy ought to clarify them.  Perhaps he can post corrections on his website, which he keeps up to date.

Oh, what a coincidence.  Shawn Murphy's website seems to have gone down.

Update!!! Stephane Dion has just announced a detailed explanation of how the Green Shift will be rolled out, including schedules for tax increases and tax cuts and rebates, fully costed administrative load, and a tariff plan.  He is also providing an exacting analysis of how costs will be affected for various classes of goods when the carbon tax, the GST, and provincial carbon taxes (present and future) intersect.  Finally, questions regarding how the carbon tax is applied to oil refineries and other self-fueling operations are answered, along with the affect that will have on fuel prices all the way down the supply chain to the consumer, including gasoline.

All this material was available in various forms to the Liberals as part of the months of work that went into developing the Green Shift in the first place.  It just had to be massaged into a user-friendly form.

Another update: Last update was just me having a bit o' fun with you.  Heh.

Of course there's no explanation.  Just this cheesy video that tells you absolutely nothing.  Shawn Murphy is just making it up as he goes along, filling in the details that no one, including Stephane Dion, has cared to think about.

And anyway, who cares when the carbon tax kicks in?  Winter?  Summer?  On the next leap day in 2012?  Doesn't matter!  The Green Shift is so simple.

That's all the explanation we need.  I don't know why Shawn Murphy didn't tell those people asking questions to just accept that the Green Shift is simple, even if they don't understand it and he can't explain it, and just leave it at that.

Seriously, what more explanation do Canadians deserve?  We're too stupid to understand, as suggested by another politician who's only concern in the environment.

Stephane Dion got a doctorate from a university in France, doncha know.  He's a lot smarter than all of us poor stupid Canadians.

Posted by: Steve Janke at 11:53 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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