December 06, 2007

A dionesque threat delivered by email

I've received a dionesque threat delivered by email.

I just got this email from the Liberal Party, sent out in the name of MP David McGuinty. The theme of this email is the environment. It is an interesting email because it reveals just how confused the Liberal message is, reflecting Stephane Dion's confusing style of leadership:

Here are just a few quick examples of how this government is failing the environment; the Conservative Government has gutted resources available to fight climate change, made draconian cuts to wildlife programs and have no water strategy for Canada. We cannot let this lack of environmental leadership from Stephen Harper and John Baird continue.

The Liberal Party has been fighting at every turn to ensure our environment is protected within Canada and around the world. Canadians expect no less.

We are proud that our leader, Stephane Dion, will be in Bali to help ensure Canada is part of a global strategy to combat the climate change crisis. Fortunately, his presence there will help to ensure that the global community understands that the isolationism of Mr. Harper is not supported by millions of Canadians.

We are proud that our leader, Stephane Dion, will be in ensure that the global community understands that the isolationism of Mr. Harper is not supported by millions of Canadians.

Does that sound like Stephane Dion is planning to undermine Canada's international delegation?

Now why would Stephane Dion consider doing something like this, something diplomats have warned would be terribly inappropriate and potentially very damaging?

The clue is in the previous paragraph:

The Liberal Party has been fighting at every turn to ensure our environment is protected within Canada and around the world. Canadians expect no less.

Fighting at every turn? How many times have the Liberals abstained on confidence motions. The Throne Speech was quite clear on the government's attitude towards the Kyoto Protocol, but Stephane Dion led his party in sitting on his hands.

Canadians expect no less.

Really? Canadians expect the Liberals to be tough. But I thought the excuse the Liberals used for all the abstentions was that Canadians did not want to have an election. So which is it? Canadians desperately want to have a Liberal government and their environmental policy, or they don't.

I suppose if the guys who write the party emails were running the party, we'd be in an election already.

Reading this email, we'd expect Stephane Dion to cause trouble in Bali, promising to bring down the Conservative government and fight an election. But don't take it too seriously. It'll probably be one of those oh we're really tough unless it really matters and then we just want to make parliament work or avoid an election Canadians don't want or whatever excuse we can come up with things.

You know. A dionesque threat.

Posted by: Steve Janke at 09:24 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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